Ball Shampoo


Clean and Fresh B@lls 

Dafuq brah?! We need a special shampoo for our b*lls?

Well, yes and no. You do need to wash your b*lls. No one likes sweaty and smelly b*lls. Also, we read somewhere that if you massage your b*lls there may be a ton of benefits. TBH we don't do it for the benefits, we just like massages.

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Working hard (like gaming *wink*) can make your b*lls sweaty and smelly.

Numero Dos

Solution: Hit the shower and pump some COHONES ball shampoo.

Step Three

Scrub and massage your manly cohones. It'll feel good, we promise.

You Guessed It Genius, Step Four

Rinse and done! Ready for another full day of gaming. I mean working, yeah, working.